Travel tips

The Best Time to Visit Palma

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As the capital of Mallorca, Palma is a great holiday destination for many, with plenty to do and lots to see. It is bursting with vibrancy and a great atmosphere, which is perfect for those looking to be in the heart of what’s happening in the city.

Many travellers head to Palma for the Mediterranean climate, incredible scenery, delicious food and beautiful beaches. Located on the northwest coast, Palma is great for those looking for a break in the sunshine, all whilst being surrounded by typical Spanish attractions.

If you’re planning a visit to Mallorca, then Palma is probably on your list of places to visit, but you may be wondering which time of year will offer you the best experience. In this article, we explain the key events and attractions in Palma each month to help you decide when to plan your trip.


January in Palma is part of the winter, which means that the weather isn’t particularly warm. With highs of 15°C and lows of 8°C, it isn’t the sort of weather that inspires you to go swimming in the sea!

As many visitors head to Palma in the height of summer, this means that there will be much less tourist traffic in January, making it easier to navigate around the top sightseeing spots.

Key Events

January 6th – Dia de los Reyes

Palma also holds another religious festival, known as the Three Kings Day. During this traditional festival, the Three Kings bring Christmas gifts to the children on the night of January 5th. The event continues right until midnight, with many concerts and celebrations throughout. Numerous towns and villages, including Palma partake in the religious festival of the Three Kings.  

20th January – Sant Sebastia Festival

The streets of Palma come to life during January as the Sant Sebastia festival takes place on the 20th of the month. This festival is organised to celebrate the patron saint of Palma, with many other events taking place in his name leading up to the main festival. With concerts, parades and a huge bonfire, Sant Sebastia is a great way to immerse yourself in Palma’s culture.


February sees a slight increase in temperature in comparison to January in Palma, with highs of 16°C and lows of 8°C. However, in contrast to January, the days are longer, the sun makes more of an appearance and the island’s almond blossoms are in full bloom, making Palma a beautiful sight to behold.

Mallorca is decorated with hundreds of blossom trees, and February is usually the time of the year that attracts the most photographers and artists who aim to capture the stunning scenery.

Cooler temperatures also make Palma much more comfortable for those seeking hiking and biking adventures, as during the summer months, these activities become difficult with the heat. February is also a great time to visit if you are looking for a romantic break to Palma in celebration of Valentine’s Day.


During the month of March, the weather in Palma increases slightly compared to January and February. As spring has now sprung, March offers high temperatures of 17°C with lows of 9°C in the evenings.

If you are hoping to explore the city of Palma, March is a great time to visit. The sun shines bright in the sky and the cooler temperatures make it easy to navigate your way around the city, so you can fully immerse yourself in all the shopping on offer.

Key Events

Sa Rua and Sa Rueta

One event that usually takes place in March and is definitely worth noting is the Sa Rua and Sa Rueta, which is also known as Mallorca Carnival. During this time the island celebrates the start of Lent with parades, carnivals, live music and lots of food and drink. Sa Rueta is mainly for the children, taking place earlier in the day The adult version of the parade is known as Sa Rua and is considered the main event, which is held in the early evening on Sunday when the festival begins.

Mallorca Carnival


April is a beautiful time of year to visit Palma, as the warmth starts to creep back in with highs of 19°C and lows of 11°C. Many businesses start preparations for the high season by opening for longer hours and the days are longer, with fewer clouds and a gentle breeze.

Visiting Palma in April offers the perfect opportunity to stroll along one of the many beaches or explore the city’s attractions without the hustle and bustle that the summer brings.

Key Events

Trofeo Princesa Sofia Regatta

At the start of April, many boats head to Palma Bay for the annual sailing regatta. Palma hosts the event for Olympic and professional sailors from all over the world to compete for the SAR Princesa Sofia Sailing Trophy. This is then followed by the Palma International Boat Show at the end of the month. So, if you enjoy all things sailing then April is a great time to visit Palma.

Semana Santa

Semana Santa is the main religious festival that takes place in Palma during April. Silent figures walk through the streets in traditional robes, walking to the sound of the drum. Many of those in the parade walk barefoot and hold burning candles. The event is held for Palm Sunday and lasts for 7 days, known as Holy Week.


Summer is officially on the horizon during May in Palma as temperatures start to make their way up to 23°C, presenting warm and sunny days. May starts to get slightly busier with tourists, although still much quieter than the months of July and August.

The cathedral in Palma is certainly worth visiting during May due to the smaller crowds. You can enjoy the spectacular architecture whilst uncovering the history here, as well as getting the chance to take photos that won’t be as interrupted by other tourists.

Key Events

Art Palma Brunch

If art is a point of interest for you, then visiting Palma in May is a perfect time as this is when the Art Palma Brunch takes place. During this time, the work of artists from around the globe is presented across the city’s galleries, with guided tours available with prior bookings. The Art Palma Brunch is a great way to explore Palma, all while being around interesting and like-minded people and exploring the work of some of the world’s most talented artists.


June presents beautiful weather throughout the month in Palma, as summer has arrived and the temperatures reach averages of 27°C. The sun is out the majority of the time and the days are long. This is a great time to visit Palma if you are looking for plenty of sunshine during your holiday, but want to avoid visiting right at the peak of the tourist season.

A dip in the sea or relaxing on a beach is a great way to spend your days in Palma in June. Alongside this, the heat still hasn’t reached its full potential, as it does throughout July and August, which means a stroll through the city’s walls is a great option.

Palma beach
Mallorca Beach


Palma in July reaches its highest temperatures of the year, with days being as hot as 32°C and an average minimum temperature of 21°C. The days are hot and the evenings are mild, so this is a great time to visit for those looking for a proper summer break in Mallorca.

If the heat is a little too much during the day, then a trip to the city’s museums and churches is a great idea for those seeking shade and a cooler atmosphere. Alternatively, you can find some shade at the number of markets that are located in Palma, with the tents providing some shelter from the heat as you stroll through the many stalls.

Markets such as Olivar Market and Santa Catalina Market are particular favourites among tourists and locals alike.

Olivar market is great for those for a truly immersive indoor shopping experience, with a huge selection of different products on sale. Santa Catalina market is authentically Spanish and offers visitors the chance to browse the plethora of local produce as well as a great sushi and oyster bar.


August in Palma is perhaps the busiest time on the island as the weather reaches its hottest point, averaging around 32°C during the day and only cooling off slightly in the evening. If you are seeking a summer holiday where you are almost guaranteed sunshine, heat and blue skies, then August is the perfect time to visit Palma.

Key Events

Open Air Cinemas

August is a great time to visit Palma for any film enthusiasts. If sitting out in the warm balmy weather, and watching your favourite film with snacks and drinks in hand, then you will want to head to the open-air cinema at Parc de la Mar, in front of Palma’s city cathedral. Many visitors pack picnics, as this is a great way to enjoy a romantic evening in Palma. The movies also suit a variety of audiences, being shown in English, Spanish and Catalan.


For another great cultural event in August in Palma, the Night of the Pilgrims allows tourists and locals alike to partake in a 50km walk from Palma to Lluc monastery. During this time, thousands of people head to the Tramuntana mountains as nightfalls to celebrate the tradition of Des Guell a Lluc a Peu.


September usually presents visitors with a warm, pleasant Mediterranean climate. The average temperature during the day is around 28°C with lows of around 18°C. With the slight drop in temperature from August, September in Palma is great for those who don’t want to brave the summer heat, yet still want warm, sunny weather.

With Palma’s night and beach clubs still in full swing in September, Palma is a great time to visit for anyone looking to dance and party their way through their holiday.

Sunset Palma Harbour
Sunset Palma


There is a slight temperature drop in October in Palma, but the weather is still relatively warm and sunny a lot of the time. Rain showers are a little more likely, so be sure to pack your rain jacket. With average highs of 24°C, this is still a lovely month to visit, as the summer season is over and Palma begins to quieten down.

Key Events

Palma de Mallorca Marathon

A great event taking place in October in Palma is the Palma de Mallorca Marathon, during this time thousands of people head to the streets to run in the race. The event itself provides a great atmosphere and buzz, as crowds cheer and the runner’s dash through the city and beyond.

Nit d’Art

With many festivals and fairs happening in October, this is a wonderful month to visit to soak up all the culture that lies here. One of the more popular events is the Nit d’Art which hosts a variety of fairs over the space of a few weeks. During this time, artists come from all over the globe to present their dance, music and art.


If you’re a particular foodie then visiting Palma in October is a great idea, as this is when the TaPalma is held. During this exciting food festival, many of the city’s bars and restaurants provide visitors with an array of amazing tapas, all at great prices!


The weather in Palma in November can be quite unpredictable, as you could either be met with glorious sunshine or rain and cooler temperatures. Don’t let the inconsistent climate deter you though, as Palma is still a beautiful city to visit even when the rain is coming down.

Visiting Palma during the month of November is great for those looking to explore the city in the autumn season. The area is much quieter, and although some places may be closed for the approaching winter, you’ll still get to enjoy plenty of top attractions without any queues or big crowds.


December in Palma is surprisingly deceptive, as you might expect the weather to be very cold and wet. However, you will be surprised to know that days in Palma in December can still be quite warm and pleasant, reaching highs of 16°C, and whilst rain is common the showers don’t tend to last very long.

If you are seeking a Mediterranean climate for your Christmas break then Palma in December might just be the place to be. The city is quiet over the festive period, but this allows you to really relax and enjoy the island scenery and attractions at your own pace.

Lighthouse on Palma Coast
Lighthouse Mallorca


After reading through our tips for the best months to visit Palma, we hope that you can now make your decision on when you decide to holiday here. There is plenty to do year-round, so whether you jump right in and visit in the summer months or plan your trip to make the most of off-season prices, there’s sure to be something going on.

If you are planning a trip to Palma, Vida Villas offers a stunning selection of rental properties that you can browse here, alternatively, contact the team who will be happy to help with any more information you may need.

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