Travel tips

The Best Time to Visit Mallorca

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Mallorca is a popular year-round holiday destination for many, with its lovely Mediterranean climate and title as the crown jewel of Spain’s Balearic Islands. Whether you are looking for a relaxing break by the sea, a hiking adventure through the mighty mountains, a trip to soak up history, architecture and culture, or a party holiday in the many clubs and bars on the island, there is something for everyone in Mallorca.

If you are planning a trip to Mallorca and want to know more about the best time to visit, the tips below show Mallorca month by month, so that you can make the best decision as to when you decide to head to this beautiful island.


The weather in Mallorca in January is generally mild and can be quite cool throughout the month. However, there is still plenty of sunshine throughout the day and the island typically has around 9 hours of sunlight, with a moderate chance of a few rain showers.

Key Events

January 6th – Three Kings Day

Another great event located in and around Palma is the Three Kings Day. This celebration usually begins in the evening on January 5th, when the Three Kings are said to bring Christmas gifts to the many towns and villages situated around the city. The children are full of energy and the streets offer a festive atmosphere, which is wonderful to witness.

Sant Sebastia Festival

Held in Mallorca’s capital city, each year the crowds gather to celebrate the patron saint of Palma. The official day of Sant Sebatia is the 10th January, but the festival is often held in the weeks before and after this.

During this time, a fire breathing dragon makes an appearance to wow guests with its spectacular performance, alongside a parade of drummers and bonfires. There are also many concerts held in plazas across the city, and the streets are full of exuberance as locals and tourists alike get ready to party and enjoy the celebrations.  

Sant Antoni Festival

Sant Antoni festivities are celebrated by most of those who reside on the island of Mallorca and is a very important event for many. The festival is held to celebrate the patron saint of animals, Saint Anthony, and is often marked by church services where pets can be blessed by the priest.

Another key part of Sant Antoni festivals are the ‘caperrots’ which are traditional Spanish characters with large heads. Many bonfires, concerts, parades and shows are held during the celebration and giants and demons head out onto the streets to entertain audiences.


February marks the journey towards spring across Mallorca, as the blossoms begin to bloom and the greenery is more vibrant than ever. The days are warmer and longer, averaging at a comfortable 15C during the day, perfect for activities and exploring whilst visiting the island.

Much like the rest of the world, February is a great time to visit for those looking for a romantic break in Mallorca. Many activities can be done in Mallorca for Valentine’s Day, such as taking a hot balloon ride or a helicopter flight to see the island from a birds-eye view.

Key Events

2nd February – Festival of Light

A key event that takes place in February in Mallorca is the Festival of Light. Celebrations are usually held at Parma Cathedral on 2 February. During this time the sun aligns with the impressive stained glass window, which creates beautiful illuminated shapes on the walls throughout the cathedral.

As the light beams in, a religious service is held to mark the occasion for all those who attend. This special event has been held for many centuries and is free for visitors to observe.


March is a great time to visit Mallorca as the temperature starts to increase to a comfortable 17°C. However, evenings are still quite chilly, averaging around 8°C.

If you are looking to explore the island with less oppressive heat and much less tourist traffic than during the summer, then March is a great time to visit Mallorca. There are also many fairs and festivals that take place during March on the island since Easter celebrations tend to start taking place.

Key Events

Sa Rua and Sa Rueta Carnival

One of Mallorca’s main events of the year is the Sa Rua and Sa Rueta carnival, which marks the beginning of Lent and is usually held at the start of March. During this fiesta, people from all over the island head to Palma to gather in the streets to host parties, live music, food and lively parades.

Sa Rueta is held on Sunday morning and is primarily for children. Whereas, Sa Rua is the main event for adults which is held on Sunday evening. There are prizes for the best costumes, which can be seen marching through the streets of Palma.

Spring in Mallorca


April is a great month to visit Mallorca as the average temperature has risen to a steady 19°C, with lows of around 10°C. The days are long and mild, with many towns and villages coming to life once again to provide the tourists with the best service as they begin to visit Mallorca after the low season over the winter months.

Key Events

Fira d’Andratx

Fira d’Andratx is a great option for those looking for markets full of arts, crafts, tapas and  exhibits. During the event, the town of Andratx provides livestock, agricultural and artisan fairs for visitors.

Throughout the many stalls, guests can browse the numerous breeds of animals from local farmers, as well as equestrian attractions and workshops for the kids. The traditional Spanish fair can be found in Andratx at the Plaza de Espana.


May is the perfect time to visit Mallorca if you’re seeking beautiful sunshine and warm days. The temperatures average around 22°C, with lows of around 14°C.

During May in Mallorca, the island is still relatively quiet before the frenzy of the summer, making it an ideal time to visit if you prefer your holiday destinations to be less crowded. It’s also the last month before the Mediterranean heat really starts to build, so this is your last chance for a hiking or biking holiday in bearable temperatures!

Key Events

May is when the majority of the beach clubs on Mallorca open their doors to tourists. This is great for those looking to relax, cocktail in hand by the sea, or perhaps enjoy one of the many beach parties that happen throughout the clubs on the island.

Palma Art Brunch

Palma Art Brunch is a great way to immerse yourself in the festivities and culture when visiting Mallorca in May. During the Palma Art Brunch, tourists and locals get the chance to intertwine both breakfast and lunch alongside some great pieces of art.

Many of the galleries throughout the city of Palma, open their doors for visitors to come and explore its most innovative offerings of art. There are also guided tours available during the art brunch as well as the chance to see brand new exhibitions, all whilst indulging in some outstanding cuisine.


The heat gets turned up a notch for the month of June in Mallorca. With high temperatures of around 26°C and lows of 18°C, this provides the perfect opportunity to visit the many beaches on the island and perhaps partake in the water sports activities on offer at multiple resorts.

June is considered one of the best months to visit Mallorca as the weather is warm, yet the island is still considered relatively quiet in comparison to July and August when many families visit after breaking up for their school holidays.

Key Events

Deia International Music Festival

For those seeking an evening to immerse themselves in music, the Deia International Music Festival is a great way to do this when visiting Mallorca. The international music festival is one of the most popular events to take place on the island. It offers guests the chance to experience some well-known music artists, as well as being an event that has a historical attachment as it started back in 1978 and has been held ever since.

The concerts are primarily held at the Son Marroig in Deia, which provides an utterly unique experience, as the setting here overlooks the coastline providing magnificent views out to sea.

23rd June – Nit de Foc

If you are a partier and looking to spend an evening in Mallorca dancing and celebrating in the capital city of Palma, then Nit de Foc is an event not to miss. It is one of the largest celebrations that take place on the island on the eve of the Festival of Sant Joan. With bonfires, parties, concerts and fireworks all on display, it will certainly be a night to remember.

Bonfire on the Beach

Mallorca’s Tennis Championships

Mallorca’s Tennis Championships at Santa Ponsa are also held during the month of June in Mallorca. This is a great way to spend your day watching the exciting matches take place, all whilst being located in the beautiful town of Santa Ponsa. If a day sitting in the sun, observing the tennis players as they give their best efforts sounds like your kind of day out, then Mallorca’s Tennis Championships is the perfect place to be.  


July is one of the more popular months when travellers head to Mallorca for their summer holiday. The month generally displays temperatures of around 30°C with lows of around 20°C, providing visitors with lots of sunshine and hot days.

Throughout July in Mallorca, restaurants, bars and hotels are in full swing as they welcome guests back for the summer season. You can expect popular towns and attractions to be really busy, but there are also many more events and festivals organised all over the island, so it’s not necessarily a bad thing!

Key Events

16th July – Día de la Virgen del Carmen

During July, places such as Port de Pollenca, Porto Cristo, Portocolom, Cala Bona and many more all hold festivals in celebration of La Verge del Carme, who is the Patron Saint of seafarers and fishermen.

This event mainly takes place throughout Mallorca’s coastal villages and during which time, the celebrations are held with an evening mass, where locals carry a statue of the virgin, the patron of fishermen, to the ports. The statue is then taken aboard a ship and decorated for the festival. It’s a great opportunity to see more of Spain’s culture and traditions and is also a fun event for those pursuing some great seafood.


Several brilliant art fairs take place in Mallorca in July, one of the most popular being Artdemossa which is held in the cosmopolitan village of Valldemossa. Here you will find fairs which display photography, paintings, sculptures, music and other art pieces on sale for a range of tastes and audiences.


Being another one of the hottest months means that August tends to be the busiest on the island in terms of tourists visiting Mallorca, especially because most schools are off for summer break. The temperatures on the island average around 31°C, rarely going below 21°C, which is great for those looking to spend their trip lounging on a beach or taking a dip in the warm Mediterranean sea.

Key Events

Fiesta de La Patrona

The Fiesta de La Patrona takes place in the town of Pollenca, Mallorca and is one of the most popular events to happen on the island. This symbolic festival is of high importance to Pollencins as it commemorates the invasion by the Moorish Saracen Pirates in 1550.

For an entire week, the town organises parades, dancing, music, bell ringing, bike rides and a foam party. This colourful and lively event is a great way to experience a vibrant town as they celebrate and party over the space of 7 days.


As summer begins to wind down, so does the weather in Mallorca during September. The days are still warm, with an average high of 27°C and the evenings cooling off to around 18°C. As kids start to get ready to return to school, many of the tourists have done their exploring throughout July and August, making September that little bit quieter on the island.

Key Events

Festa des Vermar

Festa des Vermar marks the end of Mallorca’s wine season and is celebrated with parades, grape crushing competitions, wine tasting and a huge food fight, where the majority of those in attendance are covered in grapes!

Drinking Wine

Festes del Rei en Jaume

Festes del Rei en Jaume in Santa Ponsa is when the town comes together to celebrate the arrival of the mediaeval King Jaume I. Parades, dancing, and incredible food are all available during these authentic festivals on the island.


October is the start of the autumn season on Mallorca, with the majority of tourists having now left the island and the bars, restaurants and hotels beginning to wind down for winter. The weather still remains at a pleasant 23°C with lows of around 15°C, making October a great time to visit Mallorca for those looking for mild, sunny days on the coast.

Key Events

Palma de Mallorca Marathon

If you are looking to partake or even just spectate in a huge running event, then October is the month for the Palma de Mallorca Marathon. Thousands of runners head to the capital city of Palma to race. The streets are lively and there is a great atmosphere as crowds cheer and runners give their best efforts.


As temperatures drop to around 19°C during November in Mallorca, there is far less happening across the island, with many of the larger resorts and restaurants closing for the winter. However, there are still plenty of great things to see and do, all whilst feeling like you have the island to yourself, with far fewer tourists around.

Key Events

Dijous Bo

November is a great time to explore some of Mallorca’s local produce festivals. Towns such as Inca hold the largest agricultural fair, the Dijous Bo, which is  full of farmers and artisans who come to show their traditional costumes and display their great local produce.


TaPalma tapas festival also takes place during November. Many of Palma’s restaurants and bars offer tapas for visitors, at much cheaper prices too! So, if you are looking to try out classic Spanish cuisine, TaPalma is a great time to do this.


The weather in December in Mallorca drops off to a much cooler 16°C, with evenings averaging around 8°C. Many of the locals start to get ready for the Christmas festivities, with lots of the towns and villages showing off their decorations all over the island.

Key Events

Christmas Markets

Many wonderful Christmas markets are held up and down Mallorca, these are absolutely worth exploring as you can try the Spanish food and stalls all whilst being in a lively, vibrant environment. Some of the best markets are Pueblo Espanol and Palma’s Placa Major’s Christmas Market.

Road in Mallorca


It is fair to say that this year-round destination lives up to its reputation, as there is so much to see and do each month of the year in Mallorca. We hope that you can now pick the best time to visit, with all the top things each month offers in mind.

If you are planning a trip to Mallorca, Vida Villas offers beautiful rental properties all over the island. You can browse our range here, or if you would like more information please don’t hesitate to contact the team.

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